No, I have not been drinking and this is not some obscure ancient philosophy (that I know of).
While on the plane returning from Turkey, I came across a peculiar advertisement by the Hazelnut Promotion Group in Skylife, the magazine of Turkish Airlines. It serves as a good reminder for why it is worth hiring a professional translator to make sure your messages come across clearly in other languages.
To view the full text of the ad, click here: www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=156743953&size=l
The last line of the ad is my favourite part: "In sports there is no nooooky-nooooky." Could this be the same "nookie" we spoke of in college?! No, it must be some Turkish translation gone awry. So I asked the nice Turkish man sitting next to me (who kept giving me candy to eat, which, looking back on it, I really should not have been taking and eating candy from a stranger). But he couldn't understand my question and I couldn't understand his answer, so I gave up after a few minutes of trying (but he kept giving me candy anyway and I continued to eat it -- maybe he was trying to shut me up -- Man, I love candy).
When I got home, I did a little research and found an article about the campaign (www.turkishtime.org/eylul/76_3_en.htm) that claims hazelnuts are an aphrodesiac and a benefit the hazelnut people like to tout (who knew?!) -- so the comment in the ad seems to indeed allude to a little naughty nookie. But what I don't understand is what nookie has to do with sports or soccer. And why IS there no nooooky-nooooky in sports? Do they mean between players? Or not at all with anyone, because serious athletes must never be distracted by nookie (or nooooky in Turkish)? I guess the winner who eats the hazelnut must get very frustrated becuase he holds the Cup but cannot have any nookie (which is a total bummer for him). Or, maybe he can have nookie after he holds the cup. Anyway, I guess it just goes to prove that sometimes in life, you really can't have it all.
I would like some answers to these questions, so perhaps I'll call the Hazelnut Board myself to get them from the source. But you can bet I'll be enjoying hazelnuts more frequently since they are, after all, "a blessing," and will clearly transform my life in incredible ways. And this is all really fantastic news, becuase I really love nuts (especially Tesco brand salted mixed nuts, which I've been chowing down on at night as I watch "Big Brother"). And luckily, I do not play sports at the moment, which means I can handle a little nooooky if need be. Life is good.
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