Today I had lunch with my friend Cabe Franklin who recently moved here from New York with his girlfriend Julia. Cabe and I go ways back, and it's really cool and heartening to see him here and to have these concentric circles of people who keep coming back around to share my world. It's great. I am thankful for the wonderful friends in my life. No matter where I am, they make it home.
On a slightly less sentimental note, I also counted the approximate number of flights I have taken since moving here two years ago. My tally came to 87 airplane rides, 16 countries and 35 cities. That's crazy. But awesome.
Unfortunately though, the travel takes it's toll. For instance, I haven't really unpacked from my last two trips and my bed is piled a mile high with clothes, bags and suitcases. There is no space to sleep. As a matter of fact, I am writing this blog post simply as a stall tactic for not having to go deal with it. Oh well, like many things, it can all be pushed aside and tackled in the morning. :)
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