Friday, September 07, 2007

Miscellaneous Mobile Phone Cleanout

While waiting around bored in the Palma airport this week, I realised I had a bunch of random photos stored in my mobile phone from occassions where I had left my camera at home. So here they are, some pretty old, in no particular order. Half of it I would have forgotten had I not come across these pix!

This is an alligator made of shoes on display at a Puma art exhibition in NYC.
This is me and a monkey, also made out of shoes at that same exhibition.
Me in a NY taxi.
A cocktail. I'm not exactly sure where. I think in Paris.
A "beach club" in Hamburg, Germany. I went there with my friend and colleague Pia after work one day.
This is Muji -- one of my favourite shoppes in London. I took this for my friend in NY, Nana, who loves the place. But I don't think I ever sent it to her.
This is me and an ex-boyfriend in Paris earlier this year. I thought about not including it, but what the hell, it's miscellaneous mobile phone cleanout, everything must go!
This is my friend Olly on his Vespa that I beleive he calls "Mildred."

These are seats on the London tube. Colourful, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't believe you still have that scooter shot...