I had a very nice Thanksgiving in London this year. I suppose to compensate for being away from home once again, I celebrated twice!
I worked all day Thursday, so it was nice to be invited to my friend Lindsay and Mike's home in Islington in the evening to wind down over a warm and cosy Thanksgiving dinner. There were seven of us total and it was lovely. Mike took the day off from work to perform his duties as master chef, and he did not dissapoint with a delicious squash soup to start (look at the pictures, it was like a spread from Bon Appetit magazine!), a yummy turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and the mandatory green bean casserole. We also had a few bottles of very nice red wine which helped it all go down even nicer. I baked my typical pecan pie and my friend Kate baked an apple pie, so we ended on a very sweet note.
Instead of the typical evening of American football, we spent some time in front of the computer after dinner watching various videos on YouTube and laughing our heads off. My how times have changed. Actually, growing up at home, I never cared for football, I was much more excited by the TV showing of "The Sound of Music" that they aired every Thanksgiving night in the U.S. My cousin Lauren and I would always argue over who "was" Maria (we were always casting ourselves in fictional productions). Those wre slightly magical times, I love Thanksgiving at home.
Friday, my friend Kate came to town to visit from Amsterdam, and Molly came in from NYC, as she always does for Thanksgiving. Friday evening, they came to my flat for champagne and snacks, and then we met our friend Cristina and went to the theatre to see the play "Swimming with Sharks" starring American actor Christian Slater. It was just ok...a little flat (I was also very tired and was fighting to stay awake during the first act...must have been the champagne before). After the play, Cristina went home, and Molly, Kate and I met my friend Cabe out for a drink, along with his girlfriend Juliet and his sister Sally, who was visiting from NY. We had a few drinks at Jewel Bar, downstairs from my flat, then Molly, Kate and I got takeaway pizzas and salads from Fire & Stone next door....then took it back to my place, got in our PJs and had a slumber party until we crashed around 2am.
Saturday, Molly left in the morning, I baked another pecan pie, and Kate and I spent the day lounging in my flat, reading magazines and gabbing....it was great! We then went to Cristina and John's for their annual Thanksgiving dinner at 4pm. Think this year was my favorite one so far (it's year number 3 doing the Chiswick Thanksgiving at the Benson's!) Cristina and John's daughter Katie is 3.5 and is always the star attraction, she is SOOO much fun. They also have a new baby Jack, who is 6 months old. There was a crowd of 14 adults and 3 kids this year, so it was very lively. And the food was awesome - Molly always serves as master chef and did a brilliant job orchestrating the kitchen (as always). After dessert, we played a round of turkey trivia that Cristina had developed and sat around the table talking into the later hours. Kate and I got back to my place around 10 or 11. It was a really good day.
Sunday, Kate and I braved the crowds on Oxford Street and went shopping at Selfridges in the early afternoon. Then we met Molly and Cristina at 3:30 for tea at Claridges. While I liked the setting and the music, I must say it is not my favorite tea in London, I was a bit dissapointed by the food. I would still choose the Berkeley or the Lansborough over Claridges if making a recommendation. But they served a nice Dom Ruinart pink champagne to start and the sandwiches and scones were pretty good (I was not impressed with the Christmas cakes and pastries). We still had a very nice time together. After tea, Cristina and Molly left and Kate and I moved to the bar where we had some proper cocktails. My (other) friend Kate met us there, so we had a nice session.
Kate and I walked home from Claridges, which took about a half hour. It was wonderful because we walked via Bond and Regent Streets, so we got to window shop and see lots of pretty Christmas lights. It was very nice outside and a pleasent stroll. I think my favourite lights so far are these GIANT angels with halos and wings, lit up in white lights, that line South Molton Street....gorgeous. I'll have to take a picture.
Today (Monday), I worked in the morning and then took the afternoon off to shop a bit more with Kate on Kings Road. I bought a pretty patterned silk dress for my company Christmas party. We got back to the flat at 4:30 and Kate left for the airport.
I am lucky to have such nice friends here in London. The weekend was like a mini holiday....a bit restorative. A lot thankful.
Mike's picture-perfect sqash soup
Mike gets the bird ready
Kate and Cat
Lindsay, Kate and Cat
Kate's apple pie
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