Thought you might like to see a picture of my neighborhood. That’s Covent Garden Market in the back with the green roof. My flat is in the building on the far right with the red roof. That’s me on the left, in blue, talking with my neighbor Richard…we ran into each other coming out of Cafe Nero (funny, he was wearing blue today too). Oh, and that’s St. Martins-In-the-Fields church in the center of town.
Ha! I’m just kidding! This is not really my neighborhood!
But seriously, isn’t this toy village cute? I found it in a Japanese design store called Muji on my way home from work today. I kind of freaked when I saw it, because I had one just like it (but with many more pieces) when I was a little kid. And I had totally forgotten all about it until I saw this today. The nostalgia was too much, I had to have it (it’s called “Village in a Bag”). Oh, and Elizabeth, don’t show this to Catherine since she, Elise and unborn sister will each be getting a set for Christmas (Because I’m sure my niece Catherine, who is 6, reads this blog.)
I’m sure by now my mother is frantically searching the English yellow pages for a good therapist, so following, you can see REAL pictures of my neighborhood!

Tonight was my first visit to the gym I joined, so to celebrate the 35 minutes I ran on the treadmill, I am now enjoying some yummy cheese and crackers. Think I’ve just about eaten all the calories I burned, so I’m good. Oh, and can I just say that I LOVE these British scales?? When I got on tonight in the locker room, I was delighted to see the needle hit 63…kilograms are sweet! I’ve been trying to get down to double digits for some time now, this English diet must be working already! Even better, the scales also register “stones,” and I was only 9-10 of those! (A “stone” is 14 lbs in Brit speak, BTW). I am loving this country’s measures!
Ok, I think I have probably worn out my welcome for this post. Goodnight. ;)
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