I took a whirlwind trip to Boston last weekend for my friend Erica's wedding -- it was lots of fun, despite the long travel for the short trip! She and her new husband (the delightful Andy Murray) got married in the city center and had the reception at the lovely Gamble Mansion. It rained for the better part of the weekend, but that didn't ruin the fun! It was also a nice reunion for my best gal pals, Kate, Molly and Melinda, who were all there as well (the three of them, Erica and I have a girls beach weekend tradition that goes back many years from when we all lived in DC -- we were rather inseparable). So, a joyful "Cheers!" to Erica and Andy (who are now lounging on a beach in Hawaii and definitely not concerning themselves with this blog).
Oh, I must also mention that their wedding announcement made it into the New York Times on Sunday....which is, um, no easy feat!
Sunday, before leaving, I met up with my sweet friends Dan and Ellen Pedro, who walked around town with me and then introduced me to Boston's charming Oak Bar where we had a cocktail. It was wonderful seeing them.
Here are some pix from the wedding...

There was crazy dancing all night....with Melinda in the lead, as always. She is about 6 months pregnant, so this is adorable and impressive at the same time. The groom's father actually thanked her for being the life of the party (true story).
This is Melinda and her hubby Jeff. Aren't they cute? Jeff is one of my favorite guys in the world becuase he is totally fun and cool and can hang with all girls and actually enjoy it (or at least he does a good job pretending)! He always fits right in and contributes to the good time at hand.
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