"Whale Fever" sent London into a tizzy last week as hoards of Londoners stayed glued to the tele to watch the drama unfold as a northern bottlenose appeared in the Thames last Friday (they say 23 million people tuned into newscasts to follow the fate of the whale). It was the first whale of it's kind spotted in the Thames since 1913. Clearly something was amiss though, being that whales don't usually go for a swin upstream in the Thames unless they are sick or confused (say the experts, I didn't just happen to know that). But it all came to a sad conclusion Saturday when he died after going into convulsions. About three thousand people watched from the Albert Bridge as he was hoisted from the river in an attempt to ferry him back to the deep sea and save him...but to no avail. Guess he figured if he was going out, he'd do it in style -- with a weekend swim past London's most heralded landmarks and a crowd to wave him off!
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