Saturday, February 25, 2006

Dan Flavin Retrospective

My friend Stefan and I saw the Dan Flavin Retrospective at the Hayward Gallery. It was REALLY great. Dan Flavin (1933-1996) is known for his light installations using industrial flourescent lighting in a variety of colours. You might think, "Whoa, flourescent ligts, big deal." But to see fifty of his best works all in the same place is really a magical and inspiring thing. The whole gallery is illuminated by his work, which I found mesmerising and whimsical and fantastic!

You're not supposed to take pictures in the exhibit, but that didn't stop Stefan the stealth photographer...he totaly has a paparazzi job waiting for him if his software design career doesn't work out. ;) Anyway, these are all shots he managed to take -- as I provided cover.

(I call this one the Star Wars Light Saber)

If you're interested in learning more aout Dan Flavin and the exhibition, check out the gallery microsite at

There is also a super-cool game where you can design your own Flavin-like work of art, it's guaranteed to provide hours of artistic is the link: -- click on "Create a Dedication" and have fun!

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