I was walking home from a work presentation today and decided to stop into Selfridges (department store) to blow off some steam and look for a dress I saw in a magazine. Instead, I found hair extensions (you know, like Posh Spice and Paris Hilton wear). I was about to put them down and move on when a nice sales lady appeared and asked if I'd like to try some (and I have trouble saying no to nice sales ladies). Ten minutes later, I'm sitting in a chair in front of a mirror looking at my crazy head of super-long hair. And then something great happened -- I recognized myself again!
I've had long hair most my life (making it a bit too much of my personal identity maybe), up until a few weeks before moving to England, when I decided to cut it all off and reinvent myself as "short-haired grown up serious corporate girl," which basically just resulted in me crying hysterically every time I looked in the mirrror for two months...making me "Sad neurotic girl crying over idiot haircut move."
Granted, my hair hasn't been this long since senior year of college, so this is serious good times -- adjustable hair may be one of the best inventions ever! I think my sister once had a dollie with adjustable hair, but I think she cut it all off -- ironically enough -- defeating the point of a doll with adjustable hair.
It is a tad WARM though, given the heat wave we're having here in London...thank goodness the (additional) hair's removeable.
I went into the office on the way home and my boss was still there. We talked for awhile, but it never registered to him that my hair was a good 8-9 inches longer than it was when I left a few hours before. Guess it's definitely a girl thing....and a good experiment when it comes to what men notice...
I've decided Fridays will now officially be "long hair day." I think maybe I will come up with an alternative personality go with it. And maybe refer to myself as "Raquel Glitz" -- the "stripper" name assigned to me by one of those chain email games...