A few weeks ago I bought a new Apple computer (a MacBook Pro). I'm completely smitten. Maybe even in love. It's the most awesome computer ever and I find myself thinking about it while I'm at work during the day. It's bright, warm, smart, fast -- all the traits I look for in a partner. When I get home, I immediately start playing and we stay up late together into the night. It never bores me, never crashes, it's soooo handsome, and the software baffles me with its brilliance and ease of use. This may be the perfect relationship. I'm inspired. I'm building a website, organising my photos, downloading music from iTunes at debt-inducing proportions, and watching my favourite movies. I've started hanging out at the Apple Store on Regent Street like a crazed groupie -- or an addict....happily surrounded by other users. This is a good high to be on, I am so completely stoked. I don't know what amazing things I am going to accomplish with this machine as I plunge to new depths of geekdom, but I have a feeling that whatever it is, it is going to be great. Maybe even legendary. (It even has a built-in webcam for anyone who wants to web chat!) Could this be the perfect relationship that I've been waiting/hoping for? To be continued...
1 comment:
oooh this sounds like a steamy new romance! I can't wait to see your new website. This DOES sound like the prefect relationship!
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